Cow fun starts here!

Hi there, Matt and Jon here and we just want to say welcome to Life is Mootiful. Your fun resource for cow pun fun. So if you love cows and all things to do with cows then have a look around. We presently have well over one hundred! cow designs. Wander through the website, vote for your favorite cow drawings and comment on your heiffers of choice! Why not suggest cows for us to draw by leaving comments and we can then draw them for moo!

These are not the cows you're looking for

"Funny... I don't ever remember owning a droid cow..." - Obi Wan Kemoobi

1 comment:

  1. Just spent a happy half hour browsing through the designs. I love them all, but this is one of my favourites. Lots of good super heros there - how about a Wolverine (or Moo-lverine?). Claws instead of horns... see the potential!


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